Job aggregators are welcome at ClickaJobs. We can help deliver quality candidates to your listings. Use our publisher network to increase the earnings of your job aggregator.
Ranking is based upon the assigned CPC per job advert. This allows the job ad to perform against other adverts in a bidding ladder, with priority given to the jobs with the highest bids or relevancy.
Get startedYour dedicated manager will be able to work with you on the everyday management of your account, assisting with strategic advice and insights to improve overall performance. You can also work with us to build a strategy to grow together in the future. We supply our clients access to a dashboard with budget management and click activity.
Get startedWe will also drive quality talent to your job listings. All industries and job types are welcomed within the ClickaJobs advertising ecosystem.
Get startedPartner networks are made up of relevant websites that will provide human traffic to the job adverts displayed on their sites. Networks update the user's activity regularly, allowing performance updates and restrictions to be applied to adverts that have hit thresholds, be it spend, age of advert, application rate limit, or other variables.
Gaining maximum exposure across the internet is imperative to give job seekers the best chance to find their new role. We work with social sites and a broad range of social marketing tools to provide this for our clients.
Accessing talent that is actively looking for a new role can be difficult. By emailing our active candidates, we reduce their time spent looking for jobs.